Fathers day years ago was filled with celebrating men who impacted my lives. It was filled with long days spent on a soccer field, due to the obnoxious need to have try-outs on such an important day. It was filled with brunch in Ann Arbor and cards to be filled out with loving messages. These past two years still on a soccer field, still celebrating the father figures in my life no brunch but a little girl who I get to call my daughter.
Now when you mix Ella with paper and a pen its usually a zig zag line or a curvy circle. But thanks to some great people in my life she was able to give me a car filled with loving messages and speak through those around her. I know the norm is to spend the day doing all things dad loves to do, be the one who gets to pick what to eat, get presents and be celebrated for being a father. I think of fathers day a little differently, I see it as a day spent celebrating my daughter. I get to be a dad because of her, i get my own day because of her. Which having a day completely dedicated to me is pretty cool. This year (2017) i chose to do all things Ella loves to do. We played in a pool, we cooked her favorite meals, I even got her a present. Now to some this may be weird cuz its a day dedicated to dads but would us dads have a day if it weren't for our kids?
Every year I take fathers day photos, a tradition I hope to continue with Ella every year. I take these photos to show, with out words, what being a father means to me. Its looking up to that little girl smiling back at me, its seeing all the hope in the world in those green eyes, its seeing a bright future flash before my eyes every time I see her. Most of all its for the love I feel for Ella. I can go and on about the great things I get to learn each day from Ella. But the one which sticks with me constantly is her undeniable positive, loving energy she shows constantly. This girl can walk through a grocery store and make every person we pass by swoon with her wave and smile.